So apparently I might be a little huge. I have had multiple people tell me that they thought I was at least 6 or 7 months pregnant (when I was only 4). And just today I just had someone ask me if I was having twins. For serious? I am only just barely 25 weeks. That means 3 1/2 months to go (almost 4 if you count a month as 4 weeks). I might die a little. Okay, maybe not. I was thinking I was doing pretty good because I saw pictures of another girl and we were about the same size. Then I found out she had some weird condition where she had twice as much amniotic fluid as she was supposed to and that was why she was so big. Nice.
Oh well. I am very happy to be pregnant and it's most likely because I am short that I might look a little larger than others. But seriously, twins? I am definitely not THAT big.
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