Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Camera!

So, thanks to Jessie, we have a brand new HOT pink camera!! Yay!!! I am really enjoying taking pictures whenever I want to. And Manny is really liking it, too. He really likes to have his picture taken (but often when he chooses). I have heard a million times, "Take a picture of me doing.......fill in the blank. Here are ridiculous pictures Manny has asked me to take.

"Take a picture of me playing with my dragons!"

"Take a picture of me running!"

"Take a picture of me eating my cereal!"

I won't bore you (well, maybe a little), but I hear that phrase all the time.
P.S. My favorite was , "Take a picture of my spoon!" But that one was too boring a picture. No funny face to look at.
P.P.S. He has also realized that I can record him singing and then he gets to watch it on the camera. As soon as I figure out how to upload videos from the camera I will share some really funny songs.

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