Monday, July 11, 2011

Safety First

I forgot to tell funny stories about Manny's first night in his own room.
Luis is a very cautious guy. Maybe a little paranoid. He thinks things like, "If a bullet were to come through our bedroom window, where would the safest place be?" And that is where we have to place our bed. I'm not sure where he comes up with this stuff, but the examples are endless. He always likes to be prepared.
So, I am getting ready to put Manny in bed. Don't worry, I tried to find the perfect place for his bed to go (not close to the window, in case a stray bullet wanders in, not where the airconditioning is blowing right one him, etc). Luis comes in and looks through his toys and picks up a deflated pool floatie. "He might choke on this." What? Okay, we can take that out. But is he really going to shove his face into a floatie and not move until he chokes? And then we had to close the bathroom door, just in case he falls in head first. Again-really? He's almost 3 years old. If he somehow got his head in the toilet, I'm pretty sure he could get it out. Luis wanted to leave his door open, but I said no way. I tried to convince him by talking about fire safety. Doors should be closed--harder for a fire and smoke to get to him. I think it worked. Kind of. And lastly he wanted to fold up a blanket and put it by Manny's bed, just in case he falls off. Sounds nice, but is it really necessary? Manny's bed is just a crib mattress on the ground (maybe 3 inches off the floor). And we have carpet.
We amazingly made it through the night without any problems. I went to go get him in the morning so we could drive Luis to school. His bed was empty. I thought, "Oh, great. Luis' worst fears are coming true." (He also worries about someone coming to steal/kidnap Manny through the window.) Then I thought, "Stay calm. He has to be in here somewhere." His room isn't really that big. I tried calling his name. Nothing. I looked around and didn't see him. Then I saw his small pop up tent and looked inside. There was Manny curled up, sleeping. I laughed super hard and tried to take a picture. For some reason he had decided to sleep in his tent. This all happened in a matter of seconds, but you know how your mind works super fast.
I actually am very lucky to have such a cautious and caring husband/father for my children. I just think it's really funny and don't want to forget these details.

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