Thursday, July 28, 2011

Little Athlete

Manny has turned into quite the little athlete. He wants to play sports almost all the time. And he is quite good at it. I obviously haven't trained him in anything.

Manny's two favorites right now are soccer and baseball. I didn't get any pictures of him playing soccer, but plenty of baseball. Since these pictures we have had to have quite a few talks about how we don't play baseball or kick balls inside the house. I let him a few times, but then realized what a terrible mistake that was. He was bad at first, but now he is good and can be dangerous. (Although I don't think Luis keeps to these rules when I am gone.)

Manny would come up to me and say, "Let's play baseball," and then would hand me a dragon. Apparently that was my bat and he would throw anything (like a Little People) at me and expect me to hit it. Again, after another talk about no throwing or kicking balls/toys/anything in the house we later saw this bat for $1 and I figured I should buy it for him to help him out. He was trying to play with dragons, for pete's sake.

And these picture were taken while I was throwing the balls, so maybe not the best quality, but you get the idea.
Another funny story was that today we were playing baseball outside. Then all of a sudden he just HAD to have his baseball hat to keep playing. I said, "Fine, go and get it." He soon came out wearing his bike helmet and a tie! Not sure what a tie has to do with baseball, but who knows. What a weird kid.

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