Sunday, July 10, 2011

More Manny

More funny things that Manny has been doing and his accomplishments.
Luis has been trying to teach Manny that there is a baby in my tummy. So now Manny likes to try to peer inside my belly button and say, "I see you!" or stick his finger in and say, "He's touching me!"
Manny loves to sing. All the time. Mostly Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and often he comes up with other words or sounds to replace those words (the most ridiculous being "Mama Squatty Pants." Not quite sure how he came up with that, but that's what he sang super loud while we were at Wal Mart. At least it was Wal Mart, right? I've seen worse things there)
Since we have moved and things are not quite put away nicely Manny has insisted on watching some movies that he finds. His latest favorite is Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He is not allowed to watch all of it (especially the part at Potiphar's house), but he loves it. For serious. And he walks around singing the songs. His favorites are " Go, go, Joe, Go go Joe, Go go go Joseph!", "I closed my eyes, drew back the children (he has since learned that the word is curtains, but those words are easily confused, right?), Any Dream Will Do," (and this one is complete with the ahs sung by the children audience), and "Jacob, Jacob and Sons." Makes me laugh everytime.
He also gets upset if he can't reach a note. He has a pretty good sense of tune (for an almost 3 yr-old) and gets really frustrated when he starts singing too low and can't sing the tune how it is supposed to go. I have been trying to tell him to try starting a little higher, and surprisingly it usually works, he actually does it.
Manny is really sensitive to smells. He notices everything. If we are walking and he smells something bad he almost cries. I tell him we have to walk fast (past the dumpster, or a random bad smell on a trail) and the smell will go away. This also includes tooting. Even with his own toots he gets upset and yells, "Something's stinky!" I have recently taught him to wave his hand really fast and maybe it will go away faster. Very funny to me.
Manny is doing super awesome with the potty training. I can only think of one or two times I have had to change wet underwear and only one time poop (just a tiny hard turd, thank goodness) out of underwear since we officially started in May. And now he even wears underwear to bed, now that he is in his own bed. I was always afraid to just leave him in underwear since he was sleeping with us. Changing queen-sized sheets is a lot more annoying than changing toddler-sized sheets. Which brings me to my next exciting news.
Manny sleeps in his own room! It has been a long time and with a lot of hard work, Manny included, he goes to sleep on his own, in his own room (which he will someday share), and in his own bed.
On a side note--am I the only moron who can't figure out spacing on this blasted blogging site? I can't get it to tab, I can only sometimes get it to leave spaces between paragraphs, etc. I'm just trying to differentiate between paragraphs and tabbing and spacing is all I can think of, and it won't let me do it.

1 comment:

  1. no, i'm a moron too. i have no idea how to work blogger and frankly, i don't care to spend more time on here trying to figure it out. ;) so if you do figure it out, let me know! haha.
