Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dirty Teeth, Spiders, Tattoos, and Baptisms

Manny is a little bit particular about things. Often things have to be a certain way, but I think that goes for every child. Every kid has their own "quirks."
One night we had stayed late at Luis' parents' house and Manny fell asleep on the way home. He was still sleeping when I brought him in the house (which is very unusual. He usually wakes up as soon as we take him out of the car). So I figured I would just put him straight to bed. In the middle of the night I wake up to Manny crying and crying. I think, "Oh no, he's wet the bed." I walk into his room and ask if there is water in his bed (that is how he describes it) and try to say it's okay. But he tells me there is no water. Then what's the matter? What could he be crying for? "My teeth are dirty!" he cries and then asks me to clean them. Ha! Ha! Guess all the brushing and flossing I have been doing on him have taught him good oral hygiene. We'll see how long that lasts.
Here are some cute bath pictures.

Manny has figured out how to draw spiders. And really likes to draw them. We were drawing with chalk and that is all he would draw. I didn't even know he could draw a spider!
Notice the nice circle, the legs and the eyes.

He wanted me to draw with him so I tried to draw a flower. He said no, that I had to draw a spider. So now we have about 20 or so spider drawings outside our door and down the sidewalk.

Manny has been really into the fake tattoos again. And funny that we only have some old Halloween tattoos right now. He doesn't care. Everyone gets one. Mama, Papi, his uncle, probably even his abuela. He also insisted that his brother have a tattoo. He picked one out and placed it right on my stomach. Sorry for the tummy picture, but it really makes me laugh.

I love that Manny is excited to have a brother. He talks about him all the time and still loves to talk to my tummy and touch him. I hope it lasts when he is not in my stomach, but we'll see.

And here's a picture of us after a baptism. We went to a wonderful baptism of a family who had been investigating the church. It was nice to go and talk with Manny about what was happening and why. I didn't think he was really paying attention, but apparently he was. The next day his Nursery teachers were telling me how smart he was and how impressed they were. Their lesson that day was about baptism and he was the only 2 year old who answered the questions. He told everyone about how baptism is when you go under the water, he pointed out John the Baptist (and even knew his name) and Jesus, etc. Ha! Ha! I told them we had just gone to a baptism the day before, but least now I know he pays attention to me sometimes.

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