Sunday, May 15, 2011

Primary Temple Trip

Recently our Primary had a trip to the temple where they got to walk around the temple, the temple president and his wife spoke to them and gave them a "tour" of the outside of the temple, and then eat lunch afterwards. It was really fun and I think the kids really had a great time and felt the Spirit. Manny still talks about it and wants me to take him to the temple often.

Obviously I am not a photographer, but I tried to get a few pictures of the temple.

Even though I am only showing a few kids, there was quite a turn out of kids and their families.
And I am hoping to get a copy of the picture of all the families in front of the temple.

And I just had to add what a great artist my little boy is. He loves to color. And the best part is he doesn't just scribble scribble and ask for a new paper. He had those same 3 papers for 2 days and just kept adding more and more until every white space was covered. What a funny kid.

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