Sunday, May 15, 2011

Potty Update

So, I was wondering if Manny would be wearing diapers forever. Everyone kept telling me that he just has to decide to do it. So true. He's been doing a great job at home (since I have been home from school), but I have been a little nervous to take him out in public. We had made one outing to the doctor (which was a great success, I must say). No accidents while we were out and he even went potty in the big boy potty while there (and we were gone for 2 plus hours [WIC appointments take a long time]). This was the second time in a big potty standing up.
And today we went to church and had no accidents!!! Yay for Manny! And excitement for me! So I hope I am not jinxing it, but I think we are off to a great start. Progress.

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