Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Easter

This was our first year dying eggs. The neighbor kids even came to join us unexpectedly. And this picture was taken right before they knocked over one of the bowls of dye. I'm sure my mother-in-law wanted a green sidewalk, right?

This is a picture of Manny being a bird in a nest. Again, with the weirdness/funniness. There is a small round indentation in the yard, and he did this "role play" on his own.

The finished products!!! (Notice no green ones. Sad face.) We just stuck with simple designs our first year.

The Easter Bunny came while Manny was napping. When he woke up he got to go on a fun (actually pretty lame) egg hunt. It had been raining off and on, so we just did it inside.

His loot.

Manny reading his book he got in his Easter basket. Note to self--The Easter Bunny should always completely read the book before buying. It looked like a really cute book about a frog on the outside, but as I was reading it, we discovered it was all about the frog eating different bugs, and then the frog gets eaten at the end by a big fish. I guess it teaches about the food chain. No matter. Manny still loves it (he loves any book) and likes to re-enact it.

Manny sharing with Papi. Notice the robot leg.

Manny again used his creativity to use half of the egg to become a pirate and pretend to fight me. I also had to cover my eye with an egg.

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