Sunday, May 15, 2011

More Ridiculousness

Sometimes I think kids might speak another language. Manny says a lot of things that I don't always understand right away. For example--what would you think "Pennysaucer" might mean? It later developed to "paNEEsaucer" with the emphasis on "nee." Finally, months later, he used it in a context I could understand. We were playing a game of stop-go (red light green light) and he told me to be the paNEEsaucer. Get it now? Police Officer! Maybe someday I will figure out all that he is saying. Any idea what BACKetabow means? Me neither. I'll let you know when I find out.
And today during sacrament meeting we had an entertaining re-enactment. I have been trying to encourage reverence and thinking about Jesus especially while the sacrament is being passed. It kind of worked today. Manny decided to re-enact Jesus calming the storm. He pretended to be asleep while I had to pretend to row the boat, then act scared, then wake him up (he got to play the part of Jesus) and tell him I was scared. Then he would hold up his hands and say, "Peace. Be still." Now repeat multiple times. Pretty funny, huh? Not necessarily what I was going for, but it's better than playing with motorcycles and making loud noises. And all of this dramatic acting was even done in whispers, so I'd say it was kind of reverent. And it was about Jesus, right?

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