Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The "LUV FARE" and Poopy Butt

Im never going to catch up. And I've already forgotten half of the things I was going to post...

Today Manny was really sweet. He made me cards saying he loved me. And then he disappeared for a while, then reappeared saying-I just found a note! I don't know where it came from!

The note read- I LUV U MOM      (heart)  THE LUV FARE

In case you can't read kindergarten-that note is from "the love fairy"

Then I would find a cut out heart with "MOM" written on it taped to the door. Or a note saying "U R SPESHL" (you are special). So sweet. And finally I got a note saying- THE SEKRIT IDENTY UV THE LUV FARE IS MANNY.

Super funny and cute.
But don't worry-he's not always this nice. Later that night I must have done something to upset him so he tore up all my notes from him and the "luv fare."  Sad.

Marcel is very funny. One night as I was putting him to bed, he put his hand on my face (like he was caressing it) and said, "You no es poopy butt." Like that was a compliment. I tried hard not to laugh and said, "Thank you." Then he said, "Papi es poopy butt." I did a poor job that time not laughing and then told him that Papi was not a poopy butt.
I like how Marcel is using 3 languages in this sentence. "You" (English) "no es" (Spanish) "poopy butt" (made up kid language). We have the worst grammar in this house apparently.
Thank you, Manny. Thanks a lot for teaching my 2 yr-old the word poopy butt. It's terrible.

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