Sunday, September 21, 2014

August -Trip to Iowa, Manny's 6th birthday, First day of School

I lost my job at the beginning of August, They said they needed/wanted someone full-time and knew that didn't work with my family and our needs. I had been working 3 days/wk. I was a little sad about it at first, but then I've been looking at it as a wonderful opportunity to spend more time with my boys. Luis just moved to a new position at work and Manny was going to be starting school at the end of Aug. So I wanted to get everyone settled and then I could look for a new job. But now that I am home more I am hoping I don't have to go back. It is harder financially (and honestly it's harder to be at home with kids emotionally, physically, and every other way possible), but I am noticing a difference in my boys and in my home and it's a good thing. We will see how things go.

So I had all this free time and thought, why not visit my family? I loaded up the boys and we drove out to Iowa. All 18 hrs... I get pretty sleepy in the car and since this was my first time driving this far by myself I decided we would stop for the night. I'm glad we did. The drive was definitely not as bad as I thought it was going to be. And it helped us to break out technology "addiction." (It seemed like the kids were always asking to watch a movie or play a game on the computer when we were at home.) We only listened to books on cd (which technically is technology...), colored, I made some puzzles, some music cds, etc. It was awesome. And Manny proved to be amazingly helpful.
We got to Iowa and I used my camera 1 day (we were there 11). Actually only one afternoon. We played outside. Manny took pictures of me and Sarah plasma car racing.

Look how fast we are.

Addison is such a great big cousin.

Weston and Manny racing.

Marcel the speedster

Kids on wheels

Kids on foot

The next best friends (Elliott and Marcel)

If you want more pictures go to facebook. Jessie brought her fancy camera for the 2 days she was in Iowa. So now I have a record of 3 of the days I was in Iowa.
Manny lost his bottom front tooth at Granny's.
We visited Grandma Schuerman, Grandma Bev (3rd grade teacher), Granny in Cedar Falls, Amy Fagersten Marshall on our way out of Iowa, and pretty much did nothing else but hang out with family. It was awesome.

Manny had a birthday. He is 6. Super crazy. We went and visited Abuela and Abuleo at the restaurant.

He really wanted a giant cookie for his cake.

 Manny wanted to get his hair cut. Every time we do it he cries so I was hesitant. But he had been asking for a couple weeks so I figured he was serious. Here are the before pictures.

I didn't have a mirror so I was taking pictures so Manny could see the progress (he is a mini Luis). Halfway through he starts crying saying my scissors are hurting him and he doesn't want me to do it anymore.

A little late for that, mister. 

Well, my scissors were pretty terrible, so I called my friend who has actually been to school for haircutting and asked her to finish it. He cried during it. Then he liked it for a day. Then he cried for days after saying he wanted his long, curly hair back. We will probably wait to cut his hair again.

First day of Kindergarten!

I can't believe he's so big

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