Sunday, September 21, 2014

Flashback Jun-July

This post is super long. Looks like I was a good picture-taker in the summer.

I think the boys were firemen and these were their hats. Then they would race around on their "trucks."

This note came about a week after the running away incident. It was my first hate letter so I though I would take a picture of it. After I laughed a lot. 

Luis ran a half marathon. He's crazy.

Sadly, he told me the race started at 9am. But when I looked online about where exactly it was I found out it started at 7. So we hurried there and waited at the finish line, not knowing if he had finished or not. We waited about 30 minutes and when we were about to give up we finally saw him. See that person behind the pole? I didn't have my camera ready until it was too late. And this is the awesome picture I got.

Manny got his face painted with a snake on it.

We made gak (ooblek, whatever you want to call it).

We went to our 4th of July celebration. It rained a bit, but we still had fun.


Luis' parents opened a restaurant in June.

Manny thought it was cool that a curl of his hair was like an eye patch. Here's his pirate impression.

We went to the beach and Manny learned to ride the waves. He would squat down and let the tide lift him up and bring him back. He was pretty excited.

Manny lost the other tooth (that is a product of his "special" situation, still hadn't lost the front bottom teeth)

This is what Marcel mostly did

Then we went hiking and boating with some people from my office.
The boys found some bugs.

I've been watching Kahomey (my niece) sometimes since Lucila has been working at the restaurant

Somehow Luis managed to get a picture with all the kids.

There's us as a group

Luis has become a big selfie taker

Please notice I did Kahomey's hair this day, and it doesn't look terrible, even after hiking. I was pretty proud. I still don't understand how people do girls' hair every day.

Yay! We all had fun on the paddle boat. 

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