Tuesday, December 4, 2012

State Fair and Halloween

We made it to the fair this year. Didn't take many pictures, but here they are.
We had to wait in line for 10 minutes (per Manny's request) just so I could get this terrible picture. He loves him some PBS Kids.

And we had to take a picture with each cut out.

Luis's work was wonderful and gave us tickets to the fair and for rides. We had to wait in line forever just to go on the merry go round, and Manny wouldn't let me let go of him. I don't think he's much of a ride fan. So we just did one ride and then gave our tickets to someone else. Manny was happy and had fun.

Manny's special treat was cotton candy. Gross. But he loved it. 
And I tried to get the blue all around his mouth from all the sugar.
Papi and Marcel.
We also tried to see some animals, but apparently Manny's sense of smell is too sensitive. We took one step in a building and he plugged his nose and asked to go out. There were some outside, but Manny was scared of those (sheep, goats, etc in a "petting zoo" where you can't touch the animals-fine with Manny). Weird kid. We walked through the zoo very fast.

This is what I found when I tried to go to bed one night. Not a lot of space for me.

I also sadly didn't get a lot of pictures at Halloween time. This is Manny's school parade.

There were a lot of superheroes in his class.
P.S. Manny wore that costume almost every day in October, and at least a couple of times a week in November. We are now down to once a week or so.
Marcel wore his skeleton pajamas, but had terrible diarrheaa and a fever. Awesome. He didn't go out on actual Halloween.

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