Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Marcel's 1st Birthday and Voting

We really love superheroes at this house. Here Marcel is Super Baby. On his birthday

Marcel is a wonderful boy. He is full of personality and loves to play with his brother. He may be a bit dramatic, but what baby isn't, right? He loves to look at books (and thankfully doesn't even rip them). He also still loves to smell things. I love it when he pulls me close in a really strong hug (and smells my face or hair).
Happy Birthday Silly Marcelito!

We went over he Luis' parents' house the next day and had a "party." Both boys were spoiled by Abuela and Abuelo.

Manny was very excited for Marcel's birthday and wanted him to open presents right away. He helped make cupcakes for him.
And we, being the super great parents that we are, forgot his chair to eat in or even a bib.  

And Luis voted for the first time! (Don't worry. I voted, too, but didn't take a picture.)

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