Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Abuela's Birthday and Thanksgiving

Manny had a Thanksgiving Feast at his school that families were invited to. They made really great headbands where I'm guessing by the looks of them that they had to use an adjective and an animal. Manny chose to be "Strong Bull." Some of my other favorites were-"Tired Drangonfly" (pictured 2 away from him in this picture) and "Magical Unicorn." And both were boys.
Luis was supposed to dress up for Halloween at work. Luckily we knew someone with a Spiderman costume we could borrow. 

Terrible cheese smile

Shooting webs

Marcel joined in the costume fun.

Abuela had a birthday. Yay! Happy Birthday Abuela! We took her out to eat and then a friend made her a cake. But funny that they didn't have any candles, so they used a match. Just a plain, ghetto match, and we tried to take a picture before the flame went out. Impossible

More costume fun. A whole family of Spidermans (or do you say Spidermen?)
We had a great Thanksgiving and shared 2 meals together. Nice and relaxing. A lot to be thankful for.

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