Sunday, December 16, 2012

Deceitful Baby

My 13 month old has learned to try to trick me/be deceitful. I didn't realize it started so early. I don't remember Manny doing this. He likes to play with outlets and cords. What baby doesn't, right? And being the good mom I am, I try not to let him play with them. So I am standing there, guarding the cords and outlets and telling him no (this is the only place in the house where we couldn't move the cords to another place). He cries. Throws a fit. Then he calmly gets up. And points. Really points. Like he wants me to see something. I turn to look and he smiles to himself, turns, and tries to get to the outlet again. What a little devil! Needless to say we have have figured out a way to move the cords.

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