Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Silly Manny

Manny loves to exercise like Papi. I often find Manny doing things like this outside (without wearing a shirt because that is how you exercise?) He likes to run and stretch. And now thanks to Papi showing him some body building pictures, he wants to just exercise in his underwear. I really wonder what our neighbors think of us

Other silly things Manny has been doing-
He came running to me saying there was a baby bird on the sidewalk and that I HAD to come see it. Here is a picture of it
I am not quite sure what it is, but I'm pretty sure it's not a bird.

And I would also like you to notice his shirt. It says Queen (as in the band). A friend gave us this shirt and Manny has been a little obsessed with it.
Here is a wonderful video

His teacher said that he also sang it for his music teacher at school. How nice.

He says Frigernator (for refrigerator obviously)

Stretching (thankfully not so much a problem anymore)

I think he thinks my leg hairs (which he calls pricklies) are like cat or Wolverine claws that I can retract. He always gets mad that I "have them out."

He had his last day of school and they sang beautiful songs such as Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, The Moon Shines.....something something (I don't actually know the names of these songs), etc. But my favorite was "The Lord's Army." 

We are so lucky to have such a boy as Manny in our lives

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