Sunday, May 20, 2012

Marcel 6 month check up

Marcel is 6 months (on the 3rd of May).
His stats
27" tall (63%)
18 lbs 10 oz (70%)
17 1/4 in head (63)
He is still in the 60-70% in everything. Pretty consistent boy. (Note to self-I need to go back and write all his stats from other visits.)
I forgot to say Marcel got an upper tooth a couple weeks ago (around when he turned 6 months) and now it looks like 2 more are trying to break through on the top. Sounds like he's in a lot of pain.
And he is a great inch worm. Scoots all over and is even using his knees sometimes. He is growing up way too fast. Looks like I need to clean a lot better. Who knew there were so many tiny pieces of fuzz/paper on my floor?

And here is a picture of Marcel at 6 months and Manny at 6 months. Obviously one is professional and one is not, but I just wanted to point out they were making kind of the same face. They can both raise one eyebrow.


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