Sunday, May 20, 2012

Luis Graduates!

Luis graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in Electrical Engineering!
Here is us waiting for him to walk in

Terrible picture of him walking

After he "graduated" and was walking out Manny kept yelling, "Papi wins!"
A funny/blurry picture of Manny hugging the winning Papi

Now here are a million pictures of everyone after the ceremony
 Luis and his dad
 Luis and his mom
 Marcel chillin'

 Marcel and Luis' friend Nelson (who is such a great friend, just came from NY for the day)

 Luis and Nelson

 Luis and his friend Gerson (another Peruvian he met at school)

And this is a photo of Gladis' hair. She cut it ! I think it looks so beautiful

 Marcel was really sleepy at the end

Then we went out to eat at a Peruvian restaurant called Inka and had delicious chicha morada (purple corn drink) and lots of delicious Peruvian food
 Look in this picture-Edwin is raising one eyebrow! The same one as both my boys!

Nelson was really great with both the boys. We love Uncle Nelson.
And Congratulations Papi! We are so proud of you

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