Saturday, May 19, 2012

Goofy Golfing and Uncomfortableness

 Here are Manny and Marcel playing soccer-kind of

Manny trying to help Marcel head a ball?

One of Manny's friends had a minature golfing birthday party. With snow cones. It was awesome.
This was Manny's first time golfing in real life (because it's a little different than on wii sports). One thing you have to learn is that you have get your own ball. While I was in line to get Manny a ball he had run ahead and was playing with someone else's ball (not part of the party, but luckily it was a nice old man who didn't mind).
Not necessarily the best form, but he got the hang of it.

This is right before it went into that disgusting pool of muck.

Marcel being a good boy and just hanging out while Manny plays golf. And I really wanted to show you the genius toy my mother in-law made. Marcel loves it

I think this is where Manny just ended up dropping his ball in the hole because it was too hard.

And this one is again another shot of the great toy. But also Marcel really doesn't like to lay his head down. He always needs to be looking around at stuff. So much that when he falls asleep his head falls over and Luis gets mad telling me his head is going to fall off and I need to fix it. Don't worry we are working on adjusting it.

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