Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Silly Manny

Manny loves to exercise like Papi. I often find Manny doing things like this outside (without wearing a shirt because that is how you exercise?) He likes to run and stretch. And now thanks to Papi showing him some body building pictures, he wants to just exercise in his underwear. I really wonder what our neighbors think of us

Other silly things Manny has been doing-
He came running to me saying there was a baby bird on the sidewalk and that I HAD to come see it. Here is a picture of it
I am not quite sure what it is, but I'm pretty sure it's not a bird.

And I would also like you to notice his shirt. It says Queen (as in the band). A friend gave us this shirt and Manny has been a little obsessed with it.
Here is a wonderful video

His teacher said that he also sang it for his music teacher at school. How nice.

He says Frigernator (for refrigerator obviously)

Stretching (thankfully not so much a problem anymore)

I think he thinks my leg hairs (which he calls pricklies) are like cat or Wolverine claws that I can retract. He always gets mad that I "have them out."

He had his last day of school and they sang beautiful songs such as Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, The Moon Shines.....something something (I don't actually know the names of these songs), etc. But my favorite was "The Lord's Army." 

We are so lucky to have such a boy as Manny in our lives

Solids and a Cowboy

Marcel finally started solids (meaning I finally tried to not be lazy and to not forget). Luis was gone so Manny was nice enough to take a few pictures. And our highchair is still in storage. One of these days we'll get it out. Manny is quite an artistic photographer, wouldn't you say? (These are the best of the 10-15 he took. He loves to take pictures. I just deleted-shh, don't tell him-50 plus pictures he took yesterday.)
Marcel has eaten since then and I was able to snap a few (in the bumbo)

Marcel is loving food so far. He has tried rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots.
And here are some random pictures
Manny as a cowboy

And I sometimes find my boys like this

P.S. This post was started last Wed (5-23-12)

Mother's Day Love and Arguvating

I forgot to tell about the beautiful things Manny brought home for Mother's Day.

Now remember this plant has been with me for a week. It looked beautiful when he gave it to me. It's now stuggling, but still alive. I can feel proud of that.

And I am not usre you can see this, but this is a questionaire that his teachers filled out for him using his answers. This is my favorite gift. It says-
My mother is 9 yrs old
Her favorite color is pink
Her favorite food is chicken and rice
My mother likes to shower and play dress up with me
I love her because she makes me pancakes and she is nice

And although maybe none of those is true (except I do make him pancakes and I do try to be nice to him) I love that is what he thinks.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day.

And a funny story from today- Luis likes to kind of tease Manny. If Manny says something, Luis will say the opposite. And they will go back and forth, Manny insisting he is right and Luis saying the opposite until Manny gets mad. Today Manny told Papi to "stop arguvating." And then I laughed.

P.S This post was started last Tues 5-22-12

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fancy Camera

My friend Heather was nice enough to let us borrow her fancy camera so Luis could get some nice pictures of us for his graduation. These were the practice shots.

 Manny and his friend Courtney (my friend Mary-Carmen's daughter)

Then I kept the camera for a couple of days and pretended I was a photographer (but who wouldn't with a camera like this? Everyone looks nice in this camera)
 Look at that crossbite.

Then I went over to my other friend's house (Emily's) and played with her and her baby. (Manny loves it because she has a wii with nice games like Sports Resort and Just Dance)

 Wow, Thomas has some great hair

Now it is my dream to have a camera like this. Someday. True, they may not look amazing, but I am sure I would get better (actually to learn any tricks/tips would help. I'll talk to my friend), and this computer doesn't show them as nicely

Luis Graduates!

Luis graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in Electrical Engineering!
Here is us waiting for him to walk in

Terrible picture of him walking

After he "graduated" and was walking out Manny kept yelling, "Papi wins!"
A funny/blurry picture of Manny hugging the winning Papi

Now here are a million pictures of everyone after the ceremony
 Luis and his dad
 Luis and his mom
 Marcel chillin'

 Marcel and Luis' friend Nelson (who is such a great friend, just came from NY for the day)

 Luis and Nelson

 Luis and his friend Gerson (another Peruvian he met at school)

And this is a photo of Gladis' hair. She cut it ! I think it looks so beautiful

 Marcel was really sleepy at the end

Then we went out to eat at a Peruvian restaurant called Inka and had delicious chicha morada (purple corn drink) and lots of delicious Peruvian food
 Look in this picture-Edwin is raising one eyebrow! The same one as both my boys!

Nelson was really great with both the boys. We love Uncle Nelson.
And Congratulations Papi! We are so proud of you