Sunday, March 4, 2012

Catch up-Moon Festival and Halloween

September and October of 2011
We had such a great time at a Moon Festival Night at the library. Apparently it was International Moon Observing Day or something like that and our library in Apex received a grant to host this event. I sadly didn't take a lot of pictures, but it was really neat. They had telescopes in the parking lot, a guy from NASA dong a presentation and aswering questions, a movie, face painting, story telling, games, crafts, etc. And they gave out moon pies (which Manny soon discovered are disgusting).

Story time

Manny didn't want his face painted, but the girl was nice enough to paint a moon on his hand
Informational (there was a chart you could make about the phases of the moon and why they looked like that) and fun crafts.
Look how proud Manny is
And this is me around the first week in October (a whole month left!).
A friend in the ward had a Halloween party on her street. Manny chose to be a bombero (fire fighter) for this party.

For his school party he wanted to be a skeleton.
This is part of the parade.
And standing around. He looks a bit like a midget.
Wouldn't really smile for the camera, but he had fun.

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