Sunday, March 4, 2012

Catch up-First weeks and Thanksgivings

Sad this is what we woke up to one day (about a week after we came home). Gross. Turns out it was just a clogged tear duct, but yuck.
This is Marcel about 2wks old.
I kept trying to get a picture of him smiling. While in a milk coma he would often look like this.
(Please noice Manny watching a movie on the couch. Sadly he watched quite a bit of tv/computer while we worked on nursing. It took us a while to get the hang of it.)
Yay for family pictures! Too bad my baby is still kind of in the alien stage (about 2 wks).
We were lucky enough to have 2 Thanksgivings. Luis' parents worked that day so we got together with friends and then celebrated AGAIN the next day! Our friends have an awesome house with an awesome yard (and not a busy street). A small hill in the front of the yard with a giant pile of leaves at the bottom.

Riding a truck down the hill into the pile. Surprisingly (not really) Manny had never jumped in a pile of leaves. He was pretty hesitant-they were kind of scratchy.

Thanksgiving Take 2!

I love holidays and being with friends and family

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