Sunday, March 4, 2012

Catch up-Decorating the Tree and Nativity

We decorated the tree the day after Thanksgiving because I was so excited. And we only had a few weeks before we left for Iowa Christmas. I let Manny decorate it. Notive only one corner of the tree has any ornaments. Every time an ornament would fall off (which happened surprisingly often) I would move it up a little higher. By the time we left for Iowa the whole tree was covered, not just a quarter of it.
Can you tell what this is? I was putting hooks on the ornaments and Manny would hang the ornaments up. Apparently Manny thought this was an ornament (a giant, tangled mess of hooks). Don't worry, Luis took it down because he thought it was a safety hazard.
Here we visited my cousin Rachel at her dental office. And we had Lucky (the class dog) again. We get him about once a month or so.
Next we had an activity at church where people from the community and from church gathered to celebrate Christ's birth. There were hundreds of nativities, lots of choirs and orchestras, etc. And a kid's nativity room with dress up clothes, nativity sets, and such. It was really neat
Wise man Manny bringing gifts for baby Jesus.

Mary and Joseph

Holding baby Jesus

And playing with one of the nativities.

Manny made this nativity at school. Isn't it so cute?

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