Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Solids and a Cowboy

Marcel finally started solids (meaning I finally tried to not be lazy and to not forget). Luis was gone so Manny was nice enough to take a few pictures. And our highchair is still in storage. One of these days we'll get it out. Manny is quite an artistic photographer, wouldn't you say? (These are the best of the 10-15 he took. He loves to take pictures. I just deleted-shh, don't tell him-50 plus pictures he took yesterday.)
Marcel has eaten since then and I was able to snap a few (in the bumbo)

Marcel is loving food so far. He has tried rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots.
And here are some random pictures
Manny as a cowboy

And I sometimes find my boys like this

P.S. This post was started last Wed (5-23-12)

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