Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lucky Again (for the last time)

We got to keep Lucky again for a few days. Manny loved it. But it was our last time. I don't think Manny knows. Actually I tried to tell him, but he got mad and insisted I was wrong. We started our day off with him by going to Target. (And I like how Marcel is peeking through the cart.)
And here is Marcel sitting up. He's pretty much professional. He is just about to turn 6 months in these pictures

                                                            Manny showing me his gun

                          Lucky taking a shot with the water gun and Marcel trying to get Lucky

           Thinking about if he should shoot me and the consequences that might follow.

                                                         Yes! Someone else to shoot!
Returning with his captured
Then Manny dragged him to the pool and insisted he get in the freezing water. It looks nice, but the water was really cold. I just stuck my feet in.
Manny is a pretty good swimmer (with a life jacket. we are looking into swim lessons this summer).
I hung out with this guy while watching the freezing boys.

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