Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fancy Camera

My friend Heather was nice enough to let us borrow her fancy camera so Luis could get some nice pictures of us for his graduation. These were the practice shots.

 Manny and his friend Courtney (my friend Mary-Carmen's daughter)

Then I kept the camera for a couple of days and pretended I was a photographer (but who wouldn't with a camera like this? Everyone looks nice in this camera)
 Look at that crossbite.

Then I went over to my other friend's house (Emily's) and played with her and her baby. (Manny loves it because she has a wii with nice games like Sports Resort and Just Dance)

 Wow, Thomas has some great hair

Now it is my dream to have a camera like this. Someday. True, they may not look amazing, but I am sure I would get better (actually to learn any tricks/tips would help. I'll talk to my friend), and this computer doesn't show them as nicely

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