Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mother's Day Love and Arguvating

I forgot to tell about the beautiful things Manny brought home for Mother's Day.

Now remember this plant has been with me for a week. It looked beautiful when he gave it to me. It's now stuggling, but still alive. I can feel proud of that.

And I am not usre you can see this, but this is a questionaire that his teachers filled out for him using his answers. This is my favorite gift. It says-
My mother is 9 yrs old
Her favorite color is pink
Her favorite food is chicken and rice
My mother likes to shower and play dress up with me
I love her because she makes me pancakes and she is nice

And although maybe none of those is true (except I do make him pancakes and I do try to be nice to him) I love that is what he thinks.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day.

And a funny story from today- Luis likes to kind of tease Manny. If Manny says something, Luis will say the opposite. And they will go back and forth, Manny insisting he is right and Luis saying the opposite until Manny gets mad. Today Manny told Papi to "stop arguvating." And then I laughed.

P.S This post was started last Tues 5-22-12

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