Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fist Fight

Manny and Marcel got in a fist fight this morning. I saw them be mean to each other and I told them to stop. Obviously it didn't work. I tried to tell Manny (since he is the only one I can reasonably/logically communicate with) that he would be sad (as he is often the one who ends up crying), but he kept on. I could tell it wasn't that bad so I didn't really intervene. I tried to see how they might work it out. They took turns hitting. And then Manny punched Marcel in the stomach and kicked him in the knees. Really hard. Marcel then open hand slapped Manny and grabbed his hair. Manny screamed and cried and it took me a minute to pry Marcel's hands out of Manny's hair. I couldn't stop laughing. Marcel just stood there while Manny hit him. No expression. Marcel is definitely the fighter/survivor.

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