Saturday, March 1, 2014

Star Wars Family, Sweetness, Silly Manny Quotes

Manny has been begging to have a baby because he really wants a little sister. So we can be a "Star Wars Family." He will be Luke, Marcel will be Han, his little sister will be Leia, and Papi will be Chewbacca. I keep saying I'm a girl-I can be Leia, but he just shakes his head at me-I can't be Princess Leia, I am Princess Leia's mom (Queen Amidala). Good to know. And after he thought about it he changed Luis' role to Anakin.  I keep telling him I might not have a girl, but he doesn't care.
I am not pregnant, but just wanted to record the funny story before I forgot.
More things I want to remember-
We have been trying to be better about working together as a team, the kids doing chores to help out, etc. I bought mini dust pans so the boys could help out after I swept it into a big pile, they could sweep and bring their pans to the garbage. Marcel still couldn't care less, but Manny has been really excited to help. He has been so cute and loving these last few weeks/months. The first day we used the pans I swept up a big pile and had Manny come over. And I watched him as he "carefully" swept the dust into his pan. (And when I say carefully I mean really badly. He was doing it so slow and with what he thought was great care I am sure, but dust was going everywhere.) I saw that he was trying hard and I said, "Way to go Manny, thanks for helping out." He was very serious and said, "I practiced." How cute that he had thought to practice sweeping. It just warms my heart to think of the sweetness of this little boy. I am so happy I get to be his mother. He can be so terrible sometimes, but so amazing at others. I guess maybe we are all a little like that. I wonder if that is how Heavenly Father feels sometimes. Well, maybe he doesn't think we are sweet and terrible devils at times, but I think he appreciates and recognizes when we try hard at something.
More Manny quotes
"Why do you have to be so mean?" What?? Apparently Abuela goes and unlocks the door to the apartment and then lets the boys out of the car. I am a mean mom because I turn the car off and help Marcel out before I unlock the apartment, so sometimes Manny is waiting at the door. How heartless of me.
"I'm getting tired of you bossing me around." This was said after I had commented in an exasperated moment that I was tired of him not listening/not being obedient.
"According to my math church is too long." Well, it is a little long sometimes

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