Saturday, February 1, 2014


Do you know the song Brave by Sara Bareilles?

Some of the lyrics say-"Say what you want to say, and let the words fall out." It's all about being brave and saying what you need to say, using your words for good, etc.  The song was on the radio in the car and and this conversation really happened.
Manny-I just need to say it.
Me-What are you talking about?
Manny-I just need to say it. I need to tell Ava. I have a crush on her.
Me-Oh, really? What are you going to say?
Manny-That I love her. I need to tell her.
Me-Okay. You say what you need to say, Manny.

Who knew we had such a loverboy? But sadly school has been cancelled for the past 4 days (because of the all the snow we've had-somewhere between 1.5-3 inches) so he hasn't had a chance to tell her. Doesn't bravery usually have some sort of a time limit? We'll see if he remembers or is brave enough on Monday....

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