Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Choose Cisco

Luis has been working really hard. His job right now requires a lot. A lot of studying, working, practicing, presentations, test taking, etc. He is gone most of the time, sometimes doesn't come until middle of the night/early morning, everyday he goes to the office-even on weekends. He is always walking around practicing a presentation. We have become used to it, but one time he really wanted an audience so I sat on the couch and was listening. Manny came and sat with me listen to Papi give a presentation on "why you should chose cisco." Very professional, very well done. When he finished Manny said, "I would not choose Cisco because it takes you too long to get home to me." Ha! Ha! We know it's just for a time we need to sacrifice, but it is hard. Only until July (when the program is over and he goes back to just a "regular job"). We can do it.

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