Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sidekick, Swimming in the Sea, Erasing's been a while.
Here are a few funny things that have been said/have been happening around here.

Manny, like most kids, is terrible at sneaking around. He tries to do things behind my back, and I magically know it (he's actually really loud and clumsy). I am encouraging the myth that moms have eyes in the back of their heads. Because it's funny. And he believes it. But my favorite has been when he asked, "How do you always know?" I told him, "I'm psychic." He responded by saying, in a very wishful voice, "I wish I was a sidekick." And now when he asks, he answers his own question by saying, "It's because your a sidekick, isn't it." And I say yes.

Marcel is continuing his terrible deceitfulness. He has now (and quite some time ago) mastered the art of bothering and tormenting his older brother. He knows exactly what to do-what toys to touch, to steal, which lego robots to destroy. And he does it all with a smile on his face. One night when I was trying to help the boys go to sleep I was in their room, and Manny left the room to go get something. Marcel immediately got up and hid Manny's blanket and stuffed animal-and I mean he stuffed it down the side of the bed, in the crack so it was hard to see and hard to reach. I said, "Marcel, what are you doing?" He just looked at me. And then when Manny came back Marcel went and got Manny's blanket with a concerned look on his face and gave it to Manny like, "Look I found your blanket. It was lost." Like he was being really helpful.

More nighttime terribleness. The boys share a room. We recently moved this summer and things seemed to have gotten worse. I had a feeling we might have some troubles at night so when we set up their room I told Luis I wasn't going to put anything in their room. All that is in there is a bed and a dresser. And somehow they still can't seem to go to sleep. One night I went in there and they had taken all the clothes out of the drawers. It was a huge mess. And they were rolling in it. I asked what in the world was going on. They told me they had made a sea and were swimming in it. Creative, but not helpful to me. And you should know that the lights are off. They now know they aren't allowed to turn the lights on. They have amazing night vision. Maybe they are part cat. (They also like to lick people, cuddle, and bite. Hmmm.)

I also thought it was always Manny and he would just blame things on Marcel (which he does a lot). But turns out they are really good at taking turns having bad ideas. I stayed in their one night to try to help supervise/monitor. This night Marcel was the one with the bad ideas. He would try to pull Manny out of bed. And then dragged him around the room pointing at things. Manny fought it ( this time, probably because I was in there) and tried to tell him he was trying to sleep. But Marcel was persistent and tried to get him to turn the lights on, take things out of the drawers, etc. He would point and if Manny wouldn't do it he would yell at him. And then he would take things out of the drawers himself. What a devil.

One last one for now. Manny had sadly been sick so was a little more emotional and dramatic than usual (which is already pretty ridiculous). I was laying in the bed with the boys. Manny was crying. I was trying to rub Manny's back. Marcel came up to me so I caressed his head. Manny then insisted that I, "Erase Marcel from your heart!"
Manny-"Erase him from your heart!"
Me-"Why would I do that? Why do you want me to?"
Manny-"Because you love him and not me! Your petting him and not me!"
I then told him that I couldn't erase him from my heart. I need both my boys.
Manny-"Fine! I erased him from my heart! And I erased Papi, too!"

Where does he get this garbage?

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