Wednesday, April 24, 2013

List of things to blog about

I have been terrible at blogging, but I've been trying to write things down when they happen and I will "blog about them later" I always say. So here is the list. I'm blogging about them (kind of).  Most are about Manny

"Please bless Mama's dad to come alive."   (One of Manny's prayers)
Lion Witch and the Wardrobe  (I don't actually remember why I wrote this down. We read the book I guess, but no funny story comes to mind)
How to pray-"Put your arms out like this, give yourself a hug, close your eyes like you're not looking for someone to get you"     (Manny was trying to show Marcel how to pray. Marcel is now successful and folds his arms and closes his eyes. It is very cute)
Sent a balloon in the air to "make Heavenly Father happy"    (Cute that he was for serious)
"You're just like a lifeguard!" Because I am always saving Marcel's life  (True dat. Every day of his life)
"I probably don't need a life jacket now that I've had swim lessons." He's had 2 lessons that have included things like blowing bubbles and putting your head under the water (which he was hesitant to do)
"Please don't let the ants know it is a trap." (Another heartfelt prayer) "I'm nice! I'm really nice! Come here bugs" (He called to bugs as we were trying to catch them)  (We had to catch a bug to bring to class for Manny's homework.)

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