Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Year's

Funny story. Lucila and David and Kahomey came to visit. Everyone had 3 days off so everyone said, "Let's take a roadtrip!" First suggestion-Miami (12 hours driving). I said no. New York City (9hrs driving)? No. Washington DC (5hrs driving)? Maybe. Actually I told them they could go anywhere, but I didn't really want to go. A short in days but long travel with kids didn't sound fun to me. They finally decided on Atlanta, Georgia so they could go to the aquarium. They all wanted to go together. We had just bought our van (which seats 8). They were convinced we would all fit (there were 9 of us). Luis kept saying, "4 people can totally fit in the back!" They all agreed they wouldn't complain, someone might even sit on someone else's lap, and someone (not me) would somehow deal with a ticket if we got one. I reluctantly agreed. We decided this at 8:30 at night and left at 2am the next morning (so the kids would be sleeping). I have a great talent for falling asleep. Maybe the hours upon hours of car travel I did as a kid with my family, but I really do think it is a talent. So I am in the back, with 3 other people. I am turned on my side so we can almost fit. (Just so you know, 4 people CANNOT fit in the back.) I tell myself, "Just go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep." And it works! I wake up and we are at a gas station. Not surprising. What's surprising is that this happens probably 3 more times. Atlanta is 6 hours away. Why do I keep waking up at gas stations? It's because someone's face is numb, someone's legs hurt, someone needs to walk around, someone needs to go to the bathroom, etc.  It takes us forever to get there, but we get there and it is amazing. Here are some photos.

 What we couldn't take pictures of was the dolphin show, which was really cool. It was a musical. Manny loved it. I also didn't get pictures of anyone touching anything because Manny was too afraid to. They had tons of places where you could touch the animals. We stayed until about 3pm when the aquarium started to get more busy. We went to a Peruvian restaurant. And then drove home. We started driving home and the driver kept falling asleep. We stopped at a gas station...and I got in the front seat and said I was good to drive. I drove straight home. The end

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