Saturday, September 15, 2012

Surprise Poop, Go Potty, and Home Security

More stories from my funny boys.
One day Marcel pooped. A lot. I had taken the dirty one off and cleaned him up (not an easy task because he is at the stage where laying still to get changed is torture). He had somehow wriggled out of my grasp so I just decided to throw the gross one away and he could be naked for a minute. Who hasn't done that? But Manny has been wanting to help so I tell him he should watch Marcel and tell me if he poops. Sounds like a pretty important job, right? Manny buys it. I throw it away and to my horror I hear "Poop!" I race over and am able to catch it with a wipe as it is falling. Disaster averted. I go to throw it away and I hear, "He's pooping again!" What?! This time a little got on the floor. This happens at least 2 more times. I know what you are thinking-why didn't you just put a diaper on him after the first "catch poop?" Well I thought he was done. Obviously. He pooped a lot and each subsequent time was a substantial amount as well. Who poops that much? Boys. Gross.

Next story. Manny has to decorate a "quilt square" (a big construction paper that they will piece together like a quilt) that is all about him. I print out a few pictures and he decides to draw Captain Raptor (a book we've been reading from the library), his spaceship, a Peruvian flag, etc. Then he gets silly/disgusting and says he is going to draw him eating a potty. I said-no way. He is always trying to be funny and for some reason potty talk is hilarious to 4 yr-olds. So when I am not looking he draws something that resembles a toilet. He thinks he's so funny. I label everything so we will remember what he has drawn, but I tell him I am not telling his teachers that he is eating a toilet. And he gets this really sad face and says he really wants the potty on the picture (not that I can take it off, he used marker). I say why-it's supposed to be about you and all the things you like, you really like going potty? (Which he really doesn't, he actually hates it and tells me so when I make him go before we leave somewhere) He says yes, he loves going potty. Okey dokey. He has a toilet on his "All about me" picture. Something to remember.

Last ridiculous story
We are eating supper and Manny tells me and Luis-"If you ever see a bad guy sneaking into your room all you have to do is yell MANNY really loud and I will come in. And I will get real web shooters and a real Spiderman costume and I will shoot him with a web until the police get here." Nice. And then he continues. "And if there is ever a nice sneaky guy sneaking into your room you just have to say manny really soft and I will come. And I will hug him." Hilarious. And so sweet.
So if you ever need any house watching/security or anything I am sure Manny would be up for any situation that might arise. Keep him in mind.

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