Sunday, September 16, 2012

Luis' and Manny's Creativity Develops

Luis is still interviewing for jobs, and doing very well. So while he is doing that he has the great opportunity to watch the kids when I am working. Turns out they do pretty fun stuff. I had no idea he was so creative.
Can you guess who this is?
You're right! It's Wall-E
Now this next one is a little more tricky. I didn't guess who it was.
It's Battle Cat! (Heman's cat/tiger)
Here's a side view
What's even funnier is that Manny would take this stool and Battle Cat anywhere he could. While he was playing in the livingroom or his bedroom, while we were eating supper it would watch us, and definitely when he would go to bed it had to be next to him. He even would ride it. (I actually think Luis helped him make this because Manny would pretend he was Heman and his little brother was his battle cat. We had to have a talk about how we don't ride/sit on our baby brothers. Now we call Marcel Baby Battle Cat and this guy just Battle Cat to tell the difference.)
Manny also has been really into wrapping presents. He wraps everything. Probably 4 times a day he has been coming to me with a present to open (filled with his toys). What a sweet boy.
P.S. For those of you concerned about the environment-don't worry, I make him use the same paper for multiple presents. One piece per day.

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