Saturday, September 15, 2012

Manny Turns 4

Manny turned 4! Super crazy. I can't believe it. These first few pictures are from his actual birthDay. (We had a party on a different day)
Manny with some of his new toys. He sure loves him some superheroes.

For his birthday we all went to his favorite local museum-the Museum of Natural Sciences. His favorite room is the dinosaur room

Here is Manny pretending to sneak up on Papi. I can't tell you how many times I have had to re-enact this. Manny is the little dinosaur who bites the big dinosaur (Papi).

Marcel sharing his sock. Good news is he has transitioned to a blanket to shove in his face and smell, but socks are often great for travel/on the go.

I made Manny pancakes and sausage.

Papi playing with his boys
On the weekend we were able to have Manny's party. A pool party. Too bad it was pretty cold. But good thing is kids don't really care.

Here is Manny's cake. Funny story-we were running late that day. I had tried to order one from Costco, but turns out you have to actually go in to order it or fax the order in. And I had talked about the cake all week, but had forgotten to order it until the day before. No problem, right? Costco ALWAYS has a lot of birthday cakes that say Happy Birthday, with balloons, etc. Not today. All they had was the one with flowers and a sun. So we improvised and added some of Manny's figurines. I think it worked out well. He was happy

I also found out there is a helium crisis thanks to Party City. I went to pick out a balloon and they told me they were out of helium. What? Are you kidding me? You're Party City-what else do you do (besides pinatas)? He was serious. Google it-it's true. Helium Crisis.

And Spiderman (our great friend Brad) came to his party. Another funny story I need to remember. We sat next to Brad and Emily at church one Sunday. Manny wasn't being the most obedient/reverent so Brad had drawn him a picture to distract him-Spiderman saying "I am excited for your birthday." Manny brought it over to me so excited saying, "Spiderman is coming to my party!" I said no, it just says he's excited for your birthday, but Manny kept insisting that he was coming. I told Brad & Emily and we all laughed about it. But then Emily called and said she had a costume for Brad and that he was going to come! Manny was so excited when he saw him show up at present time. 

Also please notice the hilarious Michael Jackson t-shirt. Ha! Ha!

Spiderman shooting webs

Pinata loot. We had candy sticks, bouncy balls, lizards, and kazoos

I made it in a picture!

Manny sharing one of his presents. How sweet.

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