Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bug Update

I am not quite sure what this is, but I don't really like them. They can jump really high and are really fast.
And we also have had ants lately. I don't understand why. They weren't even getting anything delicious at my house. They were marching in from where the cable tv is supposed to come into our house. I am assuming they were looking for the kitchen, but most of them ended up in the shoe closet or in our sofa chair. Don't worry, everything is cleaned and sprayed a million times so hopefully they won't return. I even sprayed the outside of the apartment. And they bug people from our apartment will be spraying on Wednesday. Yay!
Funny story is that Manny cried when he saw that I was killing these ants in our apartment. I was really confused, because we have had many talks about how bugs do not belong in the house. We kill them if they are in the house, but if they are outside we leave them alone because they are in their home. (He used to like to smash bugs outside.) But these ants were in our house. So I asked him why he was crying. He said those were his tickle bugs. Apparently he liked it when they would crawl on his arm or feet-they tickled. Gross.

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