Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The "Silly" Car

I keep forgetting to post funny stories.
So, we have friends that were going on a long vacation and asked if we could "watch" their car for them. Yay! A 2nd car! But it is a standard. I told them I was not an expert at driving one, but they said it was okay. I couldn't mess it up. They just put a new clutch in.
So, the time comes for me to drive it home. I should say that when I said I was not an expert at driving a stick shift I meant to say I drove my sister's car twice when I was 16 (which is almost 15 years ago). But I only stall it once on the way home! I was pretty proud. But Manny, on the other hand, was laughing and kept saying, "This is a silly car," as I was not the smoothest driver (the car did jerk quite a bit).
The next couple of weeks I would be proud of myself if I only stalled it once a day. You don't realize how many stops you come to on your way to somewhere. It's amazing. I remember coming to a stop light and saying, "Please be green, please be green" or "Change, change, change" because if I could just keep rolling, I wouldn't have to stop and then have to put it in 1st gear (and most likely stall it).
I am now doing great driving the car, almost a professional (okay, maybe not, but I at least can't remember the last time I stalled it). And we don't call it the silly car anymore (which Manny did for quite some time, he would ask, "Are we taking the silly car?"). We just call it the "black car."

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