Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Goodbye Tio Dani........Sadface

We had to say goodbye to Dani at the end of August. He was going to Peru (to eventually make it to Holland to be with his girlfriend). This is a picture of Manny tring to see what is in Danilo's mouth. Danilo would often tease Manny that he would eat his toys, and then when Manny would cry Dani would "spit" it out and give it back to him. There were quite a few tears shed, but Manny had just learned that Dani was just teasing him and was trying to figure out his tricks.

Manny and Dani

The cute Vergaray boys

And sadly this is the only picture we have of all of us. A friend (who may or may not be an expert at taking pictures) was nice enough to take it for us.

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