Wednesday, September 21, 2011

House Guests and Beautiful Matching Necklaces

Okay, so this may be an exaggeration. I didn't actually find this guy in our apartment. It's one of Manny's toys he liked to scare Abuela with, but sometimes it seems like these are in my house. I actually find the following-
And since you can't really tell his shape I will tell you-this is a cockroach. He, at one time, had been about 1 1/2 inches long. And in case you are horrified about the cleanliness of my home-little cockroaches mean that your house is dirty, but big ones just come no matter what here. And 1 1/2 inches is big. I've been talking to our neighbors and they say they get them all the time here (and this lady is constantly cleaning her house). But apparently the apartment complex knows about it and you can get on a list for them to spray your house twice a month. I will be calling.

And this is what I find when I am not the lucky one to catch him. Luis will smash it and leave these marks on the wall. Maybe to scare off other roaches?

And Manny made these beautiful matching necklaces for us all. Who knew Fruit Loops could be so crafty and stylish?

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