Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I love that my boys like great movies. Manny's favorite (right now) is Sound of Music and Marcel's (right now) is Wizard of Oz.

Choose Cisco

Luis has been working really hard. His job right now requires a lot. A lot of studying, working, practicing, presentations, test taking, etc. He is gone most of the time, sometimes doesn't come until middle of the night/early morning, everyday he goes to the office-even on weekends. He is always walking around practicing a presentation. We have become used to it, but one time he really wanted an audience so I sat on the couch and was listening. Manny came and sat with me listen to Papi give a presentation on "why you should chose cisco." Very professional, very well done. When he finished Manny said, "I would not choose Cisco because it takes you too long to get home to me." Ha! Ha! We know it's just for a time we need to sacrifice, but it is hard. Only until July (when the program is over and he goes back to just a "regular job"). We can do it.

Love Update

So Manny didn't forget. I'm just slow at documenting. He had decided that Wednesday was going to be the day he was going to tell her. Tuesday night he comes to me and says-"Mom, do you have any tips for talking to girls?" How cute is that? I try to give him all the tips I can think of, and all about how she might not like you, it's okay, maybe she'll like you later, maybe you'll like someone else, it doesn't mean you're a bad guy, the worst that can happen is she'll say no, and you will be fine, etc. I pick him up from school on Wednesday and he looks really sad. "How did it go?"  "I forgot to tell her." "That's okay."  I later found out that at the lunch table she told him she hated him. Sadface. But he said, "But I'm still going to tell her. I need to tell her." Persistent little fella. Reminds me of someone (Luis). When I was cleaning out his bag I found a big card stock card that said
          AVA              and then on the back a giant     I  (heart-not sure how to do it on computer) YOU  

I asked him about it and he told me he wanted to give it to me since "you probably won't get a valentine."    Later that night he told me that he was going to give Ava a special Valentine with the most beautiful words on it. And then when tucking him in bed he said, "I love Ava more than anything in my life." What?! Where does he get this? How can he be so dramatic?

So I had to go and buy Tinkerbell valentines. Everyone else could have Lego Star Wars, but she needed Tinkerbell. And he wrote a big I heart you on the valentine and folded it so she couldn't see his words until she opened it up. He was so excited. He talked about it all week. We made the valentines on Sunday and his party was going to be Friday. Everyday he would talk about it and how Friday was going to be a big day. (I had told him that I hadn't liked Luis right away. I just wanted to be friends. Manny said-but I bet you loved him on Valentines Day, right? I'm not sure.   But he was sure she was going to love him on that day. He also knows that she likes Bradley in his class, but this Valentines was going to change all that...)

Fast forward to later in the week. We had the "Snowpocalypse." Ridiculous snow-reminded me of Atlanta. Me and the kids were stuck in the car for 6 hours. Not my idea of a good time. Needless to say school was canceled. And so was his party. He was devastated and said, "I've been waiting all week (a long time) for this." I reminded him that they would reschedule his party.

The party happened on Monday and I haven't heard anything about it yet. I'm pretty sure she didn't even read his valentine when she went home, because I know Manny didn't read any of his. He just looked for candy on the cards. I don't really want to bring it up or remind him because I am enjoying this break in drama.

I know it's not really a great ending to this long story, but that is it. It still made me smile.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Do you know the song Brave by Sara Bareilles?

Some of the lyrics say-"Say what you want to say, and let the words fall out." It's all about being brave and saying what you need to say, using your words for good, etc.  The song was on the radio in the car and and this conversation really happened.
Manny-I just need to say it.
Me-What are you talking about?
Manny-I just need to say it. I need to tell Ava. I have a crush on her.
Me-Oh, really? What are you going to say?
Manny-That I love her. I need to tell her.
Me-Okay. You say what you need to say, Manny.

Who knew we had such a loverboy? But sadly school has been cancelled for the past 4 days (because of the all the snow we've had-somewhere between 1.5-3 inches) so he hasn't had a chance to tell her. Doesn't bravery usually have some sort of a time limit? We'll see if he remembers or is brave enough on Monday....