Thursday, August 16, 2012

Self Portrait and Sock Fetish

Manny loves to take pictures with the camera. Someday we'll get him his own. I often find 30 plus pictures of random things--feet, couch, garbage can, lamp. And then there are these. Looks like Manny is learning to take self portraits.


And I keep finding Marcel with socks in his hands-one in each. And then he does this with them.
I think he is like Manny in that he just likes to rub something on his nose, but I can't seem to transition him to something else. I gave him a soft blanket (that I think is actually a burp rag, but it's a cute one with animals on it, so you get the idea of the size, it's not huge, it's something small he can carry), but he keeps finding socks. Maybe someday he'll realize that's disgusting
P.S. I promise they're clean. He goes into the closet, pulls himself up on things, and comes out with socks

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