Thursday, August 16, 2012

Myrtle Beach!

We had the great opportunity to go on a Family Vacation to Myrtle Beach! This was the first vacation we'd been on as a family since we'd had kids.
Pretty sure he was watching Hercules. I remember I said I would never get a DVD player for my kids in the car. I thought it was silly. But someone gave it to us. And now I think it is wonderful. At times.

Marcel enjoying/sleeping the million hours it took to get there. Okay so it said it would only take 3hr 40min, but the directions were ridiculous and trafiic once you got to Myrtle was terrible. Almost 5hrs. Lots of screaming in the car.
 Blast you, Mapquest!

We finally made it! First day at the beach. Now Luis knows how to swim he realizes how fun the beach really is!

Our awesome friends who hooked us up with the Timeshare stay. Thanks, Brad's Mom!

Manny had so much fun

Marcel is really good at eating. Almost everything. Garbage included. You really have to watch that kid.

Our last night we went to a Japanese steakhouse. It was really great. Manny loved the chef and now tries to imitate him cooking.

What a great trip. Great friends and great family.

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