Monday, April 2, 2012

Walking and Play date

We often like to go walking on the Greenway behind our apartment. It has been so beautiful outside, so we've started again.I like this picture better.

But Luis likes this one. (Don't both these smiles look fake?) I think he would be sad if I put the one he didn't like, so I'll just put both. Ha! Ha!

Can you see the teeth now?

More of my little boy

Papi and Manny far ahead

Papi and Marcel

A picture of me and Manny!

Handsome guy cruisin' with his bro

Again, with the cheese. Weirdo. But a cute weirdo.

Looks like he didn't walk much.

And Marcel had a friend over the other day. Thomas (with the amazing red hair) was born a week after Marcel (yet he was due more than a week before. She was overdue 10 or 11 days. I think I would've died).

Both smiling at their mamas, not necessarily at the cameras. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe how big marcel is! well, he's not huge, he's just grown so much. his smile melts my heart. your boys are adorable.
