Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Brotherly Love

Manny loves his brother so much. Although he can be quite devilish at times to me, I catch him being really cute to him. Examples of what I hear when I am in the bathroom or some other room.
"I love you, brother."
"Oooh, cool teeth brother! Do they still hurt you?"
Sings him songs
Tries to tickle him
Makes him laugh

And Marcel loves to watch his brother. He likes to see what he's doing all the time. He loves to follow him with his eyes and his body jumps with excitement. He's often tried to leap off my lap. And almost anything Manny does is hilarious. He'll laugh and laugh at him. (And remember Manny was the first one Marcel smiled at.) I'm sure they both can't wait until they can play more together. (I know that's when the fighting will start, but maybe it'll be more fun?)

Just wanted to remember these fun times.

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