Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yay! I am caught up! (Someday I am going to figure out how to put the pictures my sister took at Christmas on the blog, since I didn't have the camera, but not today.) I am a little exhausted. Let's see if I can keep up.
Let's see. I am really enjoying Manny and his creativity. He keeps getting funnier and funnier each day. He loves to pretend that his pop up tent is a spaceship. I have to get in, we put on our seatbelts, do a countdown to "Blastoff" and then drive the spaceship usually to Mars, where we get out, and find some friends (stuffed animals) we call Martians, and bring them back to the ship for some pretend food and a quick nap, until Manny screams, "Wake up!"
And I will write down more things as I think of them, but the point is he really makes me laugh.

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