Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yay! I am caught up! (Someday I am going to figure out how to put the pictures my sister took at Christmas on the blog, since I didn't have the camera, but not today.) I am a little exhausted. Let's see if I can keep up.
Let's see. I am really enjoying Manny and his creativity. He keeps getting funnier and funnier each day. He loves to pretend that his pop up tent is a spaceship. I have to get in, we put on our seatbelts, do a countdown to "Blastoff" and then drive the spaceship usually to Mars, where we get out, and find some friends (stuffed animals) we call Martians, and bring them back to the ship for some pretend food and a quick nap, until Manny screams, "Wake up!"
And I will write down more things as I think of them, but the point is he really makes me laugh.

Buzz and Woody: To Infinity and Beyond

We were lucky to have my friend Monika's son Zylen over to play. As you can see, they had a lot of fun, and not too much crying (only by my cry-baby son, who is learning to share toys). I got these awful costumes for cheap, but they really liked them. And you can mostly guess who they are supposed to be.
I kept trying to get them to look at me, but there was a mirror. They couldn't stop looking at themselves.
Zylen is such a ham and takes great pictures.

Manny trying to do everything himself, and then ends up crying/yelling in frustration.

Maybe we can have him over again.

Superman, Off to Save the World

Lately Manny has been enjoying dressing up. And here is our little Superman riding off on his tricycle to go save the world. Doesn't it look like that is what he is doing?

Focusing really hard on driving his car

Even though there was a little snow still on the ground, it was a beautiful day.

I love the ones from behind where you get a good view of the flowing cape.

A new favorite past time

Okay, so not so new, but when I was on Christmas break we took out the Guitar Hero and Manny really liked it. He would jump around, sing, bang his head, and try to imitate whatever they were doing on the tv (which made me think a little more about what we were watching). He would also ask for his microphone and sunglasses, but I didn't get a picture of it. Very funny.


Since Luis was in Peru on actual Christams this year we celebrated Christmas early on a random night before he left, but it sure was fun.
Funny that Luis wanted to take pictures of us coming down the stairs to see the stockings Santa had brought.
We didn't have stockings so Santa put everything on paper plates. Santa sure is creative.

Manny enjoying his light up toy from Santa

Our family Christmas picture (and Manny is trying to take the ornaments off. He kept calling them balls and carrots because that was the shape of them)

A new fuzzy toy to sleep with and rub on his nose since his Elmo was disgusting. This time we got him a Grover (which he calls Super Grover) and he loves it. I was a little worried he might not like it as much as his old one, but as long as it is fuzzy it works.

Luis got a book from his new favorite Peruvian award winning author

Yay! A pop-up tent.

Manny really wanted a flashlight, so he got one. And new Toy Story slippers

This is probably when I was telling him "no" about something.

Wow, does it make your hair static-y

Eskimo kisses with Papi

Manny trying to drag Abuela in the tent

All in all, a pretty good Chritmas celebration

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Museum of Life and Science!

The Durham Museum of Life and Science is probably the coolest museums I have been to (although that could mean that I need to go to more museums, but I don't think so). It has tons of things for kids to try out and experiment with, it has animals inside and out, etc. Fun, fun, fun.

And although the pictures look pretty lame, I can ssure you, the place is not.

These were taken in the butterfly garden and I am tring to show Manny a beautiful butterfly, but we are obviously not good photographers. The butterfly is really there, I promise.

And this is at the end of the day with a beautiful sky at the great Museum of Life and Science. Someday we are going to get passes to this place instead of going every Wednesday afternoon when Durham residents get in for free. Someday.


Again, with the lateness. I am not so good with keeping up, and you really have to have time to upload things, because the blogger site sometimes decides it doesn't want to do its job and upload your photos.
But here is Manny coloring his pumpkins we got at the pumpkin farm. And being supervised by Abuelo.
And I know how super ghetto it is that he is using hilighters to color his pumpkin. I couldn't find our paint. And he was happy. He didn't care.

Getting comfortable.

Then it turned to this.

"That tickles!"

And the following small pictures are supposed to be at the end, but obviously I had problems with the loader. This was at the ward Trunk or Treat when Luis and Manny were playing ball in the gym. After Manny would kick it he would strike a pose and keep it for a while. It was really weird and funny.

And of course Manny didn't want to wear his costume. Since he wanted to wear his hat I tried to pass him off as a UNC fan.

Here he is with one of his friends (James, his mom watches Manny one day a week, so they're pretty good buds).

Manny laughing with his loot

And out attempt at a family photo. Notice the donuts we swiped at the end of the party. Don't worry, they wanted to get rid of them